A Japanese-American in Small Town WY: Episode 15
Listen to the episode here . You can also subscribe by searching for Wyoming My 307 wherever you listen to podcasts. Look for many more photos, and information, on the Wyoming My 307 Instagram feed ! Wyoming’s treasures include turtles who can breathe underwater, a small town that moved across the river, and history makers such as Grant Ujifusa. He went from being a star on the high school football team to editor of a prestigious political best-seller. Grant convinced President Reagan to issue redress and an apology to Japanese Americans for their incarceration in WWII. Grant’s accomplishments have resulted in recognition not only in the Worland Warrior Hall of Fame, but in receiving the Order of the Rising Sun award from the Emperor of Japan! This episode shares one complex story of growing up Japanese in Wyoming, and the personal impact of that experience. Worland Worland aquatic center has it all! Washakie Museum and Cultural Center Gooseberry Badlands just...