Ranching in Wyoming - Episode 5
Episode 5 - listen to the podcast here . You can also subscribe by searching for Wyoming My 307 on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts or Podbean. Ranching is an industry, a vocation, and an important part of Wyoming's history and culture. This episode takes you behind the scenes, with an interview of Mary Flitner, life-long rancher and Wyoming author. We also explore the little town of Byron, and learn about bald eagles. Shownotes : More information about the history ranching in Wyoming. 307 Processing in Byron has great local beef! And here's a link to visitor information for Byron, WY. Purchase Mary Fl itner’s Book , My Ranch Too - I highly recommend it, not only for insight into ranching in Wyoming, but also observations on family life, marriage, nature, beauty, love, and laughter. Learn more abo ut eagles, here , and more here , and check out information on e agle lead poisoning and raptor rehabilitation at Ironside Bird Rescue in Cody. Zoom into this awesome old railro...