World War II in Wyoming - Episode 3

Episode 3 - listen to the podcast here, subscribe!

NPR story on the Japanese "bombing" of Thermopolis WY

Uncle Dale and his mischievous smile

WWII in Wyoming Road Trip

WWII related tour of Wyoming

  1. Cheyenne - visit the Military Memorial Museum

  2. Douglas - visit the WWII POW Camp

  3. Casper - visit the Wyoming Veterans Memorial Museum and see the murals at the Casper Army Airbase

  4. Buffalo - visit the Jim Gatchell Museum to learn about the WWII Bomber crash

  5. Greybull - visit the Museum of Flight and Aerial Firefighting and the Donald Ruhl Memorial at the Greybull Cemetery

  6. Powell - visit the Heart Mountain Internment Camp

  7. Dubois - visit the National Museum of Military Vehicles

Douglas - POW Camp mural detail over the door

Casper - begin at the beginning - mural starts with a nod to the Arapaho origin story 

Casper - mural ends with the establishment of the Casper Army Air Base, where the mural is

Follow Mark Pedri on Instagram and Facebook, to get updates on his documentary film

Watch this video about the rabbits we have in Wyoming, and the conservation status of the Pygmy Rabbit

Learn more about the North Platte Canteen in Nebraska and add it to your WWII in Wyoming road trip. If you do, please post on IG and #wyomingmy307!

Happy Trails, till we meet again!

CORRECTION: in the episode, I talk about the mention the Japanese using Pacific Ocean currents to "transport" their balloon bomb but I should have said jet stream. 


  1. The Natrona County International Airport grounds also has a series of markers that note what the various buildings and other features of the large airport grounds were during the Second World War. Some can be seen here:

    And Natrona County was also the site of a series of World War Two aircraft disasters. One wartime bomber crashed just outside of Mills and Casper, and another in the mountains to the Southwest of the city. A monument to the latter crash was put up just this past year.

    1. Thanks, I will check out the information on the website - I need to stop at the airport again and see if they have updated the museum.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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