Game Warden Life - Episode 8

Episode 8 - listen to the podcast here. You can also subscribe by searching for Wyoming My 307 wherever you listen to podcasts. 

Over 55% of Wyoming is public land, with 31 million acres open to hunting. Enter the Game Warden. One third of their job is enforcement of hunting, fishing, trapping and boating laws. This episode features an interview of Bill Robertson about his experience as a game warden, then delves into Otto Wyoming. Plus, Mountain Goats!  

Learn more about the history of Game Wardens in Wyoming here and here, and about “tuskers” who killed elk to sell their canine teeth. 

This article highlights the role of game wardens in stemming the tide of mass big game slaughter. 

Books about Game Wardens mentioned by Bill Robertson, retired Wyoming Game Warden:

  • The CJ Box Series featuring Joe Pickett is about to be launched as a tv series, and is widely available. Check out his website for information.  

  • The Lady of a Legend, by Bob Edgar and Jack Turnell, 1977

  • Son of a Poacher, by Scott Werbelow

  • Wild Journey, Dave Bragonier

Otto Franc's citizenship document stated that he was
5' 3" with a 'florid' complexion

"Nearly every novel or western movie made about the large cattle empires of the west were based on Otto Franc's life and his Pitchfork Ranch, but his name is barely known outside the tiny town of Meeteetse, Wyoming."

Jim. F. Blake, author of Otto Franc the Wyoming Baron and His Big Horn Basin.

Other Otto Franc resources:

Mountain Goats:

  • 2020 article on the science behind the culling of Mountain Goats.


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